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A streaming truck, a vehicle with comprehensive equipment for live video and audio streaming, has many advantages. Here are some of them:

  • Mobility and flexibility - With OB VAN you can go anywhere in the world to broadcast your event live.
  • High quality picture and sound - Our streaming truck is equipped with specialized equipment to ensure reliable transmission quality.
  • Professional staff of implementers - We have our own experienced team of specialists, so when you decide to cooperate with us, you are guaranteed that the team dedicated to the implementation will rise to the occasion, because they are perfectly familiar with the environment of our transmission vehicle.
  • Customizable - OB VAN can be customized for different applications and needs, so that you can realize a variety of events with us, such as concerts, sports broadcasts, press conferences, galas, awards ceremonies, employee training and much more.
  • Effectiveness in reaching audiences - With live broadcasts from a streaming cart, you can attract a wider audience, both live and via the Internet. Recommended for hybrid implementations!

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